TREND Community released its latest report on Gastrointestinal Issue in the PWS Community. This report expresses some of the most common topics involving GI issues, including constipation and bowel movements, vomiting/spitting up/gagging, prune juice and other foods, reflux, and community support. This report looked at the conversations to determine different emotions in relation to GI discussions, with fear being the most common emotion in the presence of a GI tract finding. Constipation concerns affected caregivers across the age groups. Caregivers asked a lot of questions regarding management of constipation, showing a prevalent concern and need for information regarding the topic. “Some of the language that separates those fear mentions from the rest of the GI issue discussion suggests the fear relates, in part, to feeding tubes, surgery, sleep studies, and low muscle tone.”
TREND Community
TREND Community is a community-powered digital analytics company that turns the conversations of rare and chronic disease communities into actionable insights. PWSA | USA partnered with TREND Community to help further PWS research through conversations. For two years, TREND collected data from Facebook group conversations to gain important insight into the issues families were facing.
Please note that there was no personal information attached to the data that was collected, but merely the keywords and topics that were being discussed. Some of the data collected by TREND has already fostered and shaped ongoing PWS trials.
Please click the button below to read the report.
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