Thank You, Congressional Letter Sign-Ons

PWSA | USA has submitted our “Congressional Letter of Support” to the FDA with 27 signatures from U.S. Congress members! This letter pushes for urgent development and approval of treatments for Prader-Willi syndrome. A big thank you to our advocates who shared this ask during the 2024 D.C. Fly-In and to the team leads who worked diligently to follow up with their members of Congress. Your dedication is making a difference.
Thank you to the members of Congress who showed their support for our community by signing the letter! Together, we’re bringing hope and a better quality of life to those affected by PWS.

Congress Members Who Signed the Congressional Letter of Support:

A. Drew Ferguson IV

R – GA

Abigail Davis Spanberger

 D – VA

Alex X. Mooney

 R – WV

Paul Tonko

 D – NY

Angie Craig

D – MN

Brad Finstad

R – MN

Bradley Scott Schneider

 D – IL

Chris Pappas

D – NH

Dan Newhouse

R – WA

Daniel Webster

R – FL

Don Bacon

R – NE

Gus M. Bilirakis

R – FL

Juan Ciscomani

R – AZ

Maria Elira Salazar

R – FL

Mark Pocan

D – WI

Max L. Miller

R – OH

Melanie Stansbury

D – NM

Mike Garcia

R – CA

Nathaniel Moran

R – TX

Raj Krishnamoorthi

D – IL

Ro Khanna

D – CA

Salud Carbajal

D – CA

Sharice Davids

D – KS

Shri Thanedar

D – MI

Vern Buchanan

R – FL

W. Gregory Steube

R – FL

William R. Keating

D – MA

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