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Texas Prader-Willi Association Opens New PWS Group Home

While the world and our Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) community have been dealing with the pandemic's unpredictable circumstances, specifically the many obstacles to find appropriate supported living, the Texas Prader-Willi Association has managed to open a new PWS specific group home.

The Texas Prader-Willi Association purchased and renovated a three-bedroom house to serve as a PWS specific group home. The association continues to serve as the landlord and made updates and modifications to the house allowing it to be licensed to serve three individuals with PWS. Once the home was licensed through the Texas Department of Human Services - Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, the chapter contracted with Integrated Life Choices to operate as a PWS specific group home. Integrated Life Choices pays the rent to the Texas Chapter and is responsible for staffing the home and all daily operations. The current residents are three women with PWS who are funded under the HCS Waiver.

Texas Prader-Willi Association now plans to open a second home to serve three men with Prader-Willi syndrome. However, despite there being an extensive waiting list for housing under the HCS waiver, they are having difficulty finding three adult males diagnosed with PWS who have the HCB waiver to fund the home.

Integrated Life Choices requires residents to be funded through the Texas HCB waiver and does not accept out of state funding at this time. With the on-going shortage of residential or supportive living options for individuals with PWS, purchasing a home and contracting with local providers is one way to increase the options for those with PWS across the country.

For more information on group homes operated by Integrated Life Choices please contact Bill Arrants at 402-580-2456.

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