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Save the Date: PWSA | USA’s First Ever D.C. Fly-In Event

The centerpiece of PWSA | USA's 2022 Advocacy initiative is our first ever D.C. Fly-In. This exciting, in-person event will take place September 19 - 21, 2022 in Washington, D.C. and provide an opportunity for our state activists to expand their efforts and engage their individual members of Congress.

Our platform will be to encourage a non-partisan resolution declaring May 15, 2023, and every year thereafter, as PWS Awareness Day in the United States. It will also give our advocates an opportunity to speak in support or opposition of legislation that affects all of the rare disease community.

We will share our D.C. Fly-In application soon! Attendees will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, and all expenses will be paid for thanks to grant funding from Harmony Biosciences and Saniona.

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