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Preserving Progress: Stand Up for Fully Funding the BRAIN Initiative!

The NIH-BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies – Initiative), is a partnership between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and nonfederal funding sources to advance innovative neurotechnologies to revolutionize the understanding of the brain/neurocircuitry.

Since its inception in 2013, this program has had important impacts on our understanding of normal brain function this program has had an important impact on our understanding of normal brain function, setting the stage for a better understanding of PWS.

Unfortunately, the budget for the BRAIN initiative is about to be cut by 40%, from $680M in FY 2023 to $402M in FY 2024. Click here to read more.  

Why is this a problem? This is particularly devastating because a PWS-specific project to develop a novel potential therapy has recently been approved for funding, and funding for that grant may also be slashed by 40%, which would significantly slow progress.  

Please sign this letter at the button below and ask your members of Congress to maintain funding for the BRAIN initiative!

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