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Participate in a PWS Specific Sleep Study

Has your 3–7-year-old child been diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome? Do they have trouble sleeping?

You may be eligible to participate in a thesis study!

If your child has a confirmed diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome, is awake at least once per night three nights of the week and has trouble going to bed at least three nights a week, you may be eligible for this study.

This study will test behavioral interventions for improving sleep quality in children with Prader-Willi Syndrome. This study will last 5-6 weeks and take place in your own home. Meetings will occur weekly with the researcher virtually. Parents must be 18+.

If you are interested and/or want more information, please contact:

Primary Investigator: Aliana Weavers, Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis student, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Email: aweavers@ego.thechicagoschool.edu

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