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In Search of a Volunteer Treasurer for PWSA | USA

Looking for a Way to Get Involved? PWSA | USA is in Search of a Volunteer Treasurer

We know that many of you want to make a difference in the lives of our PWS Community – and we have the perfect opportunity if you, or one of your family or friends, are a CPA. Below, you will find the full description of and needs that come with this volunteer position.

  • The treasurer is an officer of PWSA | USA, elected by the Board of Directors to serve a one-year term, with no limit on the number of terms, serving as an ex officio (voting) member of the Board.
  • Attends bimonthly Board of Directors meetings on Zoom with one in-person meeting per year. Presents prepared financial reports to the board and answers questions as needed.
  • Works closely with the CEO and accounting firm to ensure good financial planning, decision-making, and sound fiscal policies. Ensures that appropriate internal controls, financial management policies and financial records are maintained.
  • Serves as Chair of the Finance Committee which meets eight (8) times per year on the third *Wednesday of the month at 10:00 EST*. Four (4) of these meetings are scheduled for 30 minutes and the other four (4) are 60 minutes as they include the quarterly investment review with the investment advisor. The treasurer prepares the agenda and takes the minutes during the meeting.
  • Meets monthly with the CEO, accounting firm and bookkeeper to review the financial results. Reviews investment statements, bank statements and approves the bank reconciliation.
  • Serves on the Executive Committee which meets twice per month on Fridays 10a EST.
  • Works with the accounting firm to continue to refine the financial procedures and reporting utilizing Blackbaud’s Financial Edge. The goal is to continue to improve reporting by program, allocations of expenses, etc.
  • Reviews the annual budget prepared by the CEO, accounting firm and staff before submission to the Board of Directors for approval.
  • Participates in the annual audit and Form 990 process to ensure completion on a timely basis.
  • Qualifications: Must have knowledge of basic accounting and bookkeeping procedures, preferably a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Knowledge of nonprofit accounting and experience with Blackbaud’s Financial Edge accounting system would be a plus.
  • Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month

* The Finance Committee meeting current day and times can be adjusted to meet schedule needs of this position*

If you are interested in this position or would like further information, please email Mrupnow@pwsausa.org. Thank you for your consideration!


PWSA USA searching for a volunteer treasuer

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