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PWSA Rare Aware Art Share

Introducing the Rare Aware Art Share

We are excited to announce the launch of PWSA | USA’s brand new initiative – The Rare Aware Art Share! This virtual art show aims to spotlight the voices of individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome. We hope to learn more about each individual, their lives, and their experiences as someone with PWS. Our hope is that through this art show, our community and beyond can gain a deeper understanding of our loved ones with PWS, while offering them a space to be seen and heard. We plan to take this art show to the world outside of the PWS community, thus expanding the opportunities for support, education, advocacy, and appreciation for those living with PWS.

This art show will last for the entirety of 2024 and will be separated into three distinct themed sessions. Each session will have a specific date range for when we are accepting submissions. Submissions will be accepted in digital format only.

Who can submit?

Anyone diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome in any part of the world is welcome to submit. We will accept submissions from all ages and all skill levels.

What type of submissions are accepted?

Digital submissions only please. Create your art, take a photo, then submit the image to PWSA | USA’s website form (link coming soon). For text art like poems or song lyrics, please submit a word document rather than a photo, unless they are handwritten.

To respond to the prompts, artists may decide to:

  • Paint a picture
  • Use crayons, markers, or pencils to draw and color a picture
  • Create a sculpture out of clay or any molding materials
  • Create a video
  • Take a picture
  • Knit, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch
  • Make a collage (use pictures of you, or pictures you cut from a magazine)
  • Make a mandala
  • Write a short story or play script
  • Write a poem
  • Write a song and send us the lyrics

How many pieces can I submit?

Artists may submit as many pieces as they are inspired to.

Can I submit outside of the theme?

We ask that artists submit for the specific theme only during that theme’s submission period. We will not accept artwork on a past theme once the submission period is over.

How will these art pieces be displayed?

Submissions will be shared on our social media platforms and website. They will also be uploaded to a print-on-demand (POD) website where people may choose to have the artwork printed onto a product (e.g. t-shirt or coffee mug).

Some of these submissions will be displayed in Washington, D.C., at the 2025 Conference, and in communities around the country. We will be looking to display artwork in coffee shops, hospitals, airports, and various other places. They will not be displayed with the intention of making a profit, but will be displayed freely as a tool to spread awareness, education, and appreciation for PWS. If possible, we ask that you hold on to your original artwork to have it be displayed in these various locations. We can also print them for you to have them be displayed.

We hope to share and display every submission that we receive. However, please note that submissions must be appropriate for an all ages audience. Submissions will be reviewed by PWSA | USA Staff and Board members and our discretion will be used to determine the eligibility of artwork for display.

How do I submit?

Art submissions can be uploaded to PWSA | USA’s Rare Aware Art Share webpage (link coming soon).

If you have any trouble uploading your artwork to the link, please email your artwork to communications@pwsausa.org. We also ask that you fill out the few questions included on the submission form, as your answers will help explain your artwork, and in turn, spread awareness for Prader-Willi syndrome (questions coming soon).


Themes and Dates for 2024 Rare Aware Art Share

Theme 1: PWS Awareness

Prompt: “What is your superpower? What are you capable of?”

People with Prader-Willi syndrome are capable of so many wonderful things. We want to know what you, the artist, are most proud of. What skill or talent do you have? Perhaps there are times when you feel that what you are capable of gets overshadowed by your diagnosis of PWS. We are offering you this space to share with us and the world what people need and should know about you and your talents. Think of something that you are good at, something that was difficult for you to learn but you learned it anyway, something that brings you joy or feelings of accomplishment. What can you do that makes you feel happy and proud?

Submission Dates: Thursday, February 1, 2024 – Friday, March 15, 2024

Where it will be displayed: Besides our social media platforms, website, and POD site, these pieces will be displayed in Washington, D.C. in May 2025 for Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month and at the 2025 Conference. We may also feature artwork in coffee shops, hospitals, airports, and various other places as stated above.

Theme 2: International Art Show/Conference

Prompt: “What is something unique or special about where you live?”

As we are gathering together, coming from homes around the world, it is an opportunity to learn more about the world outside of our own. Think about where you live. Look out your window or take a walk in your neighborhood or town. What is something unique or special about your home? If you can, include yourself in the art piece. How do you fit into the world you live in?

Submission Dates: Monday, July 1, 2024 – Thursday, August 15, 2024

Where it will be displayed: Besides our social media platforms, website, and POD site, these pieces will be displayed at the 2025 Conference. We may also feature artwork in coffee shops, hospitals, airports, and various other places as stated above.

Theme 3: 50th Anniversary of PWSA | USA

Prompt: “What is a favorite birthday memory?”

Birthdays are often joyful celebrations in our lives. As PWSA | USA celebrates our 50th Anniversary/Birthday in 2025, we want to know what happy birthday memories you have. Was there a birthday where you got to go on a fun adventure or had a very special person celebrate with you? Are your favorite birthday celebrations with family and friends? Have you traveled for a birthday? Think of a birthday that you have had that made you very happy and use your art to tell us about it.

Submission Dates: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – Friday, November 15, 2024

Where it will be displayed: Besides our social media platforms, website, and POD site, these pieces will be displayed at the 2025 Conference. We may also feature artwork in coffee shops, hospitals, airports, and various other places as stated above.

Thank you for participating in the art share! If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at communications@pwsausa.org.

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