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PWS Parenting Hacks, a father carries his daughter with Prader-Willi Syndrome on his shoulders through a forest

PWS Parenting Hacks

We reached out to our PWS community of parents and caregivers to ask, “What is your PWS Parenting Hack?” Our goal was to gather tips and tools that help parents and caregivers navigate the challenges of PWS. What may seem like a simple tip from one parent could be life changing for another. So, please...

PWS Advocacy

PWS Mom Advocates for Wisconsin Legislation to Lower Treatment, Therapy Costs for Individuals Living with Rare Diseases

Contributed by Katie Moureau On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, Katie Moureau, mom to a 9-year-old boy with PWS was able advocate in support of Assembly Bill 687 – Authorization of Value-Based Arrangements for Medicaid Programs for all rare diseases. She was one of 2 advocates testify. As we know there are NO FDA approved treatments...