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Supporting Siblings

Contributed by Anne Fricke The quotes in this blog come from the transcript of an NPR Talk of the Nation broadcast, “Siblings with Special Needs Change Childhood”, that aired on Sept. 25, 2012. Don Meyer, the person quoted, is the founder of the Sibling Support Project. As the parent of a child with PWS, I...

Photo collage of an adult woman with her adult female sister with Prader-Willi Syndrome looking at a photo album, dressed up, old photo of these same siblings as kids with their mom

Conversation with a Sibling

Transcript from an interview by Carrie Larsen, Director of Marketing and Communications for PWSA | USA with Leora Saacks, adult sibling to Andrea (living with PWS). Interview log: I’m Leora, I’m Andrea Saacks’ younger sister. Andrea is 2 years older than me; she has Prader-Willi syndrome, and we live in Philadelphia. I live about half...