Gedeon Richter Now Recruiting for KITE-PWS Clinical Trial

You or someone you love could be part of developing new therapies for Prader-Willi syndrome. Learn about Gedeon Richter's research study KITE-PWS, also known as RGH-706-003, to evaluate an experimental drug for hyperphagia in people with Prader-Willi syndrome. The oral drug RGH-706 works by blocking melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), which is a key part in the brain’s food seeking mechanism, to help reduce appetite.

To be in the study, participants must meet the following basic criteria:

  • Are at least 17 years of age
  • Have a diagnosis of PWS
  • Have a body weight of greater than 40 kg (88 lbs.) and less than 200 kg (450 lbs.)
  • Have had a stable body weight for the past 3 months
  • Have at least 1 consistent and reliable primary caregiver who can evaluate changes in the participant’s hyperphagia symptoms, mood, health, and behavior throughout the study
  • Do not have uncontrolled diabetes or diabetes that requires insulin

Medical history and other criteria will also be reviewed to determine eligibility. The study lasts 5-6 months and requires about 8 study visits. The study drug, tests, examinations, and study-related medical care are provided at no cost. Reimbursement for certain study-related expenses such as travel may also be available.

Click here to find more information about the study and contact Gedeon Richter's Medical Information Scientific Service at to inquire about participating.

Gedeon Richter also provided a list of doctors in the U.S. who can be contacted to provide more information about this clinical trial opportunity:

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