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Category: Blog

PWS Awareness Month Week 2 Mini Blog – Oppositional Behavior

Individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome often demonstrate oppositional behavior, another challenge for parents and caregivers. Tips for managing oppositional behavior include: Avoid yes and no questions. Instead, offer limited choices. Rather than asking, “Do you want to wear your red coat,” try offering two choices: “Do you want to wear your red or blue coat?” It...


Perseverating, or getting stuck on a topic or task, or repeating the same question or phrase over and over again, is common in Prader-Willi syndrome. Often, the repetitive behavior is provoked by anxiety as the repetition provides a level of comfort to an individual with PWS. Unfortunately, perseverating can be exhausting for parents and caregivers. Here...

PWS Awareness Month Week 2 Mini Blog – Behavioral Outbursts

Many individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome face emotional and behavioral challenges that present as outbursts. However, whether it’s caused by a change in routine or the presence (or absence) of food outbursts can be managed. For example, maintaining food security and adhering to a set schedule for snacks and meals will decrease food-related anxiety, and providing...

Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month

By Stacy Ward  May is National PWS Awareness Month! PWS Awareness Month came to be thanks to the efforts of Amy Porter and Prader-Willi California Foundation members, Tom and Renay Compere, who brought the syndrome and the needs of the PWS community to the attention of Republican Congressman Ed Royce and Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman. The...

PWS Awareness Month: Week 1

Not on social media?  No problem!  PWSA (USA)’s daily PWS Awareness Month posts are available right here for you to access anytime.   Day 1 May is Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month! Republican Congressman Ed Royce and Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman co-sponsored the original House Resolution thanks to efforts by Amy Porter (Aunt to Colorado’s young...


By: Stacy Ward, Director of Family/Medical Support & Special Projects   Parents and families of loved ones diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome have an array of concerns as their children move through life. By far one of their greatest struggles and worries is adequate nutrition and healthy living. PWSA (USA)’s Family and Medical Support counselors receive...

Easter Fun

By: Kim Tula, Family Support Counselor For many, Easter is a fun and joy-filled holiday, but for individuals with PWS and their families and caregivers, it can also be full of worry. The anticipation of large family dinners, Easter Egg hunts, and candy-filled baskets left by the Easter Bunny can result in increased anxiety and...

Receiving the Diagnosis

by Amanda Yanik The first and only person that mentioned Prader-Willi syndrome to us while our daughter Saoirse was in the NICU was the incomparable geneticist, Chin-To Fong, M.D.. I have a vague recollection of him coming in on a Friday night after the first week of our NICU stay. He mentioned a previous patient of...

Tips for Better Sleep

Quality sleep is vital to our physical and mental health, as well as our emotional wellbeing. Yet, many of us struggle to get a good night sleep on a regular basis. Now, imagine if you were rarely able to get a good night’s rest and the impact that accumulated “sleep deficit” would eventually have on...

Tips and Techniques for a Safe Holiday Season

by Lisa Graziano, MA., LMFT Based on the original article by Katherine Crawford, Former PWCF Family Support Coordinator   Whatever holiday you and your family celebrate, PWSA (USA) wants to help you make it both fun and safe. The key is to plan well ahead of time and strategically, incorporating the strategies outlined in this...

Event: Foundation for Prader-Willi Research Annual Research Symposium and Conference

Held October 4 – 6, 2018 in Las Vegas Nevada, the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research Annual Research Symposium and Conference started with the Research Symposium during which numerous abstracts and preliminary results were presented from the podium. Most evidence was findings from pre-clinical phase research and phase 2 trials. All evidence was very promising and many trials are...

Halloween Fun for Everyone!

Children, and many adults, look forward to Halloween with great anticipation…Bags full of sugary treats, scary decorations, and the thrill of trick or treating with friends and family…What could be more fun? But, what do you do for Halloween when your loved one has Prader-Willi syndrome? Can they safely participate in the festivities? The answer...


On September 8, 2018, PWSA (USA) help a parent mentor workshop at the Monroe Carrell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. PWSA (USA) Parent Mentor Director, Diane Seeley, created the innovative workshop to educate parent mentors about a variety of topics, including current trends in dietary management, advantages and safety of various...


by Abigail Ogilbee Have you ever worn a great pair of sunglasses in the summer? The lake isn’t as blinding when the sun hits the waves, the trees are a little greener, and the world is a little more crisp. Take them off and the sun burns your eyes making you squint with pain. Elsa...

Meet Your Family Support Team

Kate Beaver, MSW, CSW-Family Support Counselor Because her daughter has Prader-Willi syndrome, Kate had first-hand knowledge of the challenges families encounter with the syndrome and had valuable personal experience in how to access services and support for her family prior to joining the PWSA (USA) staff. As a Crisis Intervention and Family Support Counselor, Kate’s...

Managing Behavior

One of the most difficult challenges parents face is managing their child’s behavior.  Whether it occurs at home, at school, or in a residential care setting, problematic behavior is one of the most frequent reasons parents and providers call PWSA (USA) for help. The first step to effectively manage behavior is to identify the problematic...

Recording of Recent Webinar: How Patients Can Partner to Speed Treatments for PWS, co-presented by FPWR and PWSA-USA, is now Available

  The recent webinar: How Patients Can Partner to Speed Treatments for PWS, co-presented by FPWR and PWSA-USA, is now available. This webinar provides important information about PWS clinical trials including: what to expect when participating in a clinical trial, what questions you should ask, and how to get the information you need to decide if...

A Mother’s Day Gift

By Lori Moline  After a long, harsh Minnesota winter, the sounds of birds, and the sight of greenery and flowers are like a transfusion of hope- That’s why one of our family’s favorite activities is the annual trek to the local greenhouse and plant store.  This year, with everyone else busy with other things, Sophie...

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