Question: Female, 35 years-old, Deletion For quite a while now, my daughter has occasional spells of burping and complaints about pain in her lower abdominal region. We have been to the Gastro doctor, and my daughter was put on Famotidine and Omeprazole. At this time, she is only on Famotidine, because it didn’t seem like...
Category: Ask Nurse Lynn
Ask Nurse Lynn: Bowel Movements and GI Concerns
Question: Male, 2.5, UPD My son has had a decrease in appetite (eats breakfast and lunch but not dinner) but has been drinking regularly the past two days. His BMs are a lighter brown/tan/beige color, and he has had smelly gas. His stomach at night looks slightly distended but is gone by morning. The stomach...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Testosterone Injections and Hypogonadism
Question: Male, 41, Deletion Our son is getting a new housemate, male, age 43, also has PWS. He’s getting testosterone injections biweekly. No doctor has ever suggested that to us for our son. What are the benefits and what are the concerns of testosterone injections in adult male PWS individuals? Thank you! Nurse Lynn’s Response...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Getting Back on Track with Weight
Question: Female, 33, Deletion My daughter went through several programs of weight loss in Pittsburgh. Their program saved her life. They don’t offer that program anymore. Are there any other programs that can help us with her weight? She’s very heavy again. When Covid hit, it got out of control again and I feel like...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Confabulation
Question: Male, 38, Deletion I have a question about what I think is confabulation. My son occasionally says things that are just not true, and I don’t really know how to respond. I don’t want to argue with him, but I do want him to know that what he said is wrong. The first time...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Estrogen and Progesterone
Question: Female, 21, Deletion My daughter with PWS (deletion) is wondering how common it is for females to be told by an endocrinologist to take estrogen and progesterone for the rest of their lives. She has already developed a blood clot (now resolved) and was told by another doctor that hormonal therapy could be a...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Behavior Management and IEP
Question: Male, 17, Deletion How can I address my son’s behavior? Lately he gets mad and starts throwing things around, the more I ask him to stop the angrier he gets. If I ground him, he does exactly the opposite of what I ask him to do. Also, at school, teachers have told me should...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Long-Standing Constipation
Question: Male, 16, UPD: My son has had issues with bowel movements and constipation his entire life. He spends long amounts of time in the bathroom and tells me that he feels like there was more that needed to come out, but he can’t get it out. A few times lately there has been blood...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Procreation and Genetics in PWS
Question: Female, 34, Deletion My daughter continues to wonder how/why some ladies with PWS have been able to conceive, give birth. As a teenager, an ultrasound determined that she had “follicles”, but she’s not ever menstruated. She continues to want to investigate the possibility of becoming pregnant. We’ve explained that this is highly unlikely, but...
Ask Nurse Lynn: G-Tubes for Infants
Question: Female, 5 months, Deletion Have you seen an increase in infants being denied a G-tube? Our pediatrician recommended us for one after we’ve had a lot of trouble with the NG tube and put in the referral, but the surgeon said there’s a new study showing a 37% risk of complications and denied us...
Ask Nurse Lynn – When to Start Growth Hormone
Question: Male, Newborn, Subtype Unknown How soon should a person who has been diagnosed with PWS start hormone therapy (specifically HGH)? Nurse Lynn’s Response: A child can be assessed for growth hormone treatment at any age. Clinical experience suggests that Growth Hormone treatment can be beneficial for an individual with PWS as early as 2-3...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Supportive Grandparents
Question: Male, 11, Deletion My grandson has behavioral issues, and we try to help as much as possible when he is over. He is on medication, but his behavior seems worse at times. For instance, when he gets mad because he can’t get what he wants, especially in a store, will sit down and cry...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Temperature Abnormalities
Question: Female, 5, Deletion: What temps would you write in an IEP for kids to stay indoors? Example below 40 and higher than 80? What wording would you recommend? Nurse Lynn’s Response: The degree and severity of temperature abnormalities can vary from person to person. In short, I wouldn’t write down exact temperatures. I would use...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Mentsruation and Hormone Support
Question Female, 15, Deletion: Do you happen to know of any standard of care as far as hormone support or instigating a menstrual cycle in females with PWS? Is there any harm in waiting to initiate a cycle? I know a lot of women and girls with PWS never start their period without medical intervention,...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Weight Loss Medications
Question: Male, 33, Deletion How much promise would a weekly injection of Ozempic or Trulicity have on my son for weight loss? Nurse Lynn’s Response: Thank you for your question. From the limited research on the PWS population and the use of GLP-1 medications, they do show some success in glycemic control but do not...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in School
Question: Any tips or tricks to help when our little ones get tired throughout the school day, besides a nap? Not all schools will allow for a student to take a nap during the regular school day. Nurse Lynn’s Response: Hello, and thank you for your question. So many of our children display excessive daytime...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Anxiety and SSRIs
Question: Female, 18, deletion, Arkansas: She has diabetes, one kidney does 25%, now even more increased anxiety. The first time we are trying anything for anxiety. The Dr is giving her Lexapro- the generic. Is there a certain one recommended? Also, is there a buildup or psychosis danger? Nurse Lynn’s Response: Thank you for your...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Birth Control and Hypogonadism
Question: Female, 34, UPD.Is there some age at which it will be appropriate for our daughter to stop taking female hormones (in the form of birth control pills)? Nurse Lynn’s Response: Thank you for your question. The issue of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is more complicated than one would think. Please make sure to discuss...
Maintaining Goal Weight
Question: We have a 40 year old son. He’s 5’6” and weighs 140. In 2006 he was at his maximum weight of 170. That year he moved into a community living arrangement with 2 other PWS individuals. He lost 35 pounds and had maintained that weight until recently. We’ve had to move him from the...
Ask Nurse Lynn: Cataplexy
Question: My daughter is 12 (deletion). She was never officially diagnosed with cataplexy, but when she was younger there were obvious moments of cataplexy like behavior (usually if she was tired and laughing.) Is it necessary to get an official diagnosis of cataplexy, if so, how is that done, and is it something that people...