Celebrating our Journey of Hope! Join us as we usher in PWSA | USA’s 50th Anniversary. Learn More


PWSA | USA Attends IPWSO Conference in Ireland

Between July 6-10, 2022, PWSA | USA was represented at the 11th IPWSO Conference, which took place in Limerick, Ireland. CEO Paige Rivard along with Medical Coordinator Lynn Garrick and others had the incredible opportunity to attend, speak, and host a table on behalf of our national organization. It was a great week meeting families...

How to Develop Positive Relationships with Your School District

Navigating the special education process world can be intimidating, overwhelming, and sometimes downright scary for parents. Building a positive and collaborative relationship with the school district will benefit your student, you, and district officials. It's important to remember that there will be differences of opinions, mistakes, and difficult conversations throughout the school years. When you...

Learn How to Communicate with Elected Officials and Stakeholders

Join PWSA | USA for our July Advocacy in Action webinar: Effective Communication with Elected Officials and Stakeholders - A Virtual Roundtable and Panel Discussion  When: July 25, 2022 at 2:00PM EST Register in advance here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_W4pZ9Q34R3GoO9HdBpmMbg PWSA | USA is excited to bring you this Virtual Roundtable and Panel Discussion on Effective Communication with...

Enjoy Summer with this List of Fun Activities!

Summer vacation has begun for many students throughout the country.  Parents and caregivers are challenged with taking advantage of warmer weather and more daylight while still maintaining the level of structure and routine their loved one with Prader-Willi syndrome needs.  For some people, coming up with fun activities is a stressor. PWSA | USA has...

Kasey Bedard, Ph.D., BCBA-D, IBA Shares Findings from Research Study Funded by PWSA | USA

PWSA | USA is excited to share the findings from a grant funding opportunity, awarded to and studied by Kasey Bedard, Ph.D., BCBA-D, IBA. This grant assisted Kasey with her work on PWS Smart-Start, a behavior-analytic caregiver training program. Kasey gives a brief overview of her results below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contributed by Kasey Bedard The purpose...

Early Intervention: IDEA Part C

Contributed by PWSA | USA's Family Support Director Stacy Ward PWSA | USA often receives questions about early intervention, the difference between Individualized Education Programs and Individual Family Support Plans, and how to qualify for each from parents. Part C (Early Intervention) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was established in 1986 by...

2022 PWSA | USA Volunteer Summit Recap

Contributed by PWSA | USA Community Engagement Coordinator Dorothea Lantz If there is one word to describe the events of PWSA | USA’s first ever Volunteer Summit in Dallas, it would be magical. We had more than 30 of our dedicated volunteers in attendance for a Saturday filled with hope and ideas on how to...

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