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Late Diagnosis and Newbord Screen Nurse Lynn Prader-Willi Syndrome Association USA

Ask Nurse Lynn: Late Diagnosis and Newborn Screening


Female, 3.5 years old, UPD subtype

Hello, I’m from Ontario Canada. We just received a diagnosis a couple of weeks ago. I see most of the children on this support group are being diagnosed within weeks of birth. Is PWS routine testing with your newborn screen? Just curious as I knew something was wrong from the start and was told she’s fine. Thank you.

Nurse Lynn’s Response:

The average age of diagnosis for PWS varies by country, region, and state. Advances in genetic testing like DNA methylation analysis and increased awareness have significantly lowered the average age of diagnosis, often to 0–2 years.

While PWS is not currently included in the U.S. Uniform Newborn Screening Panel, screening for related conditions that present with low muscle tone and failure to thrive can reduce misdiagnoses and delays in treatment. Research strongly supports adding PWS to newborn screening programs due to the clear benefits of early diagnosis and intervention for affected infants and their families.

PWSA | USA advocates for robust, well-funded newborn screening programs in every state. We urge lawmakers to prioritize early detection of conditions like PWS and encourage states to adopt the Uniform Newborn Screening Panel. PWSA | USA will continue to advocate for screening in states that do not currently test for all 35 disorders included in the panel.

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