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Ask Nurse Lynn "Emergency Information Folder"

Ask Nurse Lynn: Emergency Information Folder


Female, 22 years-old, Deletion

Does the association have a letter or document of some type that could be given to a doctor in an emergency situation, in order to give them a quick understanding of PWS and the potential medical impacts? Perhaps it could even be attached to a PWS patient’s medical record so that all medical staff interacting with the patient could have the information. Before writing something up, I wondered if PWSA already has something like this available. Thank you.

Nurse Lynn’s Response:

Medical emergencies and even routine appointments can be incredibly stressful for caregivers and individuals with PWS. Many healthcare providers may not be familiar with PWS, which could lead to misunderstandings or a lack of recognition of symptoms.

Here are several resources for you to have in your toolkit. Use one or all. These documents could be stored in a “grab and go” folder for emergencies and should include a current list of medications, recent picture, and insurance information. In addition to the “grab and go” folder, have one or more of these sheets in your purse, diaper bag, wallet, etc.


One-page important medical facts: Important Medical Facts about Prader-Willi Syndrome – IPWSO
Fact sheet for different age groups: https://www.pwsausa.org/resources-a-z-pws-fact-sheets/
Medical Overview: https://www.pwsausa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Medical-

ID card: https://www.pwsausa.org/new-customizable-pws-health-identification-card/
Medical Alert booklet: PWSA | USA – Prader-Willi Syndrome Medical Alerts Booklet
Many healthcare professionals also use an App called Up To Date, which also has information on PWS.

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