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April Advocacy in Action Webinar will Feature Guest Speakers from the FDA

Time: TBD
Registration Link Coming Soon!

Advocacy in Action presents… Engaging with the FDA: Opportunities and Boundaries 

As our community continues down the ever-evolving road of drug trials to enhance the lives of those who have PWS, PWSA | USA would like you to join us as we bring you a live webinar featuring two speakers direct from the US Food and Drug Administration! 

Now more than ever, it’s essential that our community understands the most effective way to have our collective voices heard by those who can directly affect change. This informative webinar will discuss topics such as:

  • Understanding patient engagement at the FDA
  • Patient voice
  • FDA Patient Listening
  • Submitting questions & meeting requests
  • Patient focused drug development
  • CDER Listening Sessions

In addition, we will feature a 15-minute Q&A at the end of the presentation where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to our presenters from the FDA. It’s important to note that the Q&A portion will NOT speak to specific information surrounding any drugs seeking FDA approval, but it will provide members of our community with the opportunity to learn how to best engage with the FDA. PWSA | USA is thrilled we can provide this unique opportunity for members of the PWS community and look forward to an exciting and informative presentation.  


Susan Chittooran, MSW 
FDA Patient Listening Session Program Manager
Office of Patient Affairs
Office of the Commissioner
U.S. Food and Drug Administration 


Sadhna Khatri, Pharm.D., MPH, MS, MEd 
CDR, U.S. Public Health Service
Supervisory Associate Director -Engagement Team
Professional Affairs and Stakeholder Engagement | Office of Center Director
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | Food and Drug Administration (CDER) 


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