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Advocacy in Action Webinar: Arizona State Qualifier Campaign

When: February 16, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. EST

Register TODAY for PWSA | USA's free February Advocacy in Action webinar, where several PWSA Arizona Chapter leaders will discuss the Arizona State Qualifier Campaign. PWS is only recognized in 14 States as an automatic qualifying condition. Join us as we bring you the leaders of our Arizona State Chapter who are fighting to make Arizona the 15th! Crissy Burgstaler, Chelsee Loucks, Lisa Lamb and Tammie Penta will walk us through their Arizona campaign and help educate our community on the steps they’ve taken to make this happen.

Get to know our speakers:

Christina “Crissy” Burgstaler – Mom to Amalia (age 3 with PWS).  Small business owner in Tucson, Arizona.  LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) alumna and newest member of the PWSA Arizona chapter board.



Chelsee Loucks is the mother of Stanley Nelson who has PWS. He is now 8 years old and in 2nd grade. Stanley is the funniest little boy who enjoys ALL things boy. I have worked in the Veterinary Industry for 17 years and became a Licensed Veterinary Technician 13 years ago. We live in a small town called Payson, AZ. where I have been born and raised for 33 years. Stanley was born in my hometown also. I joined the PWS AZ Chapter board 7 years ago. I am now the new President and couldn't ask for a better group to work with. I plan to continue advocacy lifelong for PWS individuals statewide and Nationally.


Lisa Lamb is mom to Makenna, age 12 with PWS.  She has a Degree in Child Development, with an emphasis in Special Needs. Her passions include nutrition analysis, health and fitness.  Although predominantly a stay-at-home mom, Lisa helps with her family business, Zag Fundraising. She has been involved with PWSA Arizona since Makenna was a baby, became board Secretary in 2020 and is in her first year on the PWSA National Board. She lives in Arizona with her husband Brian, daughter Makenna and her younger sister Madison.  


Tammie Penta is a retired police sergeant with over 27 years of experience. She is a recognized expert in elder and child abuse investigations having spent 10 years conducting criminal investigations from family crimes to organized crime. Additionally, she spent four years as a field training supervisor at the Southern Arizona Law Enforcement Training Academy where she developed training to help officers address crisis situations with people with developmental or mental health issues. Specific to this training was how to address the issues with several adult Prader-Willi syndrome homes located in Southern Arizona. During her nine years on the PWSA | USA board, Tammie has been the committee chair for the Family and Medical Support and Leadership committees. She has also served on the Executive, Chapter Relations, and Advocacy committees. Additionally, Tammie has sat on the Arizona chapter for Prader-Willi syndrome since 1996 and was certified through the (WSEAT) Wyatt Special Education Advocacy Training in 2013. Tammie and her husband Phil have been married for 30 years. They have three children, Victor, who was diagnosed with PWS at the age of two, Nick, and Rockiel.

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