Help Us Learn More: Survey on Dangerous Condition in PWS

Survey: Vascular Blood Clots, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and/or Thrombosis in Prader-Willi Syndrome Our recent review of causes of death at PWSA (USA) has increased our awareness of the risk of death due to blood clots to the lungs/ pulmonary embolism’s(PE’s) in Prader-Willi syndrome. Additionally, there have been two PE sudden deaths during a recent...

Two New Prader-Willi Syndrome Films

PWSAI (Ireland) has released a new film that was produced in cooperation with IPWSO and PWSA (USA). The film is Therapeutic Interventions for the Young Child with Prader-Willi Syndrome presented by Janice Agarwal, CNDT-PT The film was funded from the proceeds of the Galway Cycle 2014. We are very grateful to Janice for her participation...

The Zafgen Clinical Trial Partial Hold

I would like to assure our PWS members that both PWSA (USA) and FPWR have been involved with discussions with Zafgen and the FDA regarding safety issues on the Zafgen clinical trial. A “partial hold” means that the study can continue with additional safety monitoring. We are in full support of the additional safety monitoring...