PWSA (USA) Approves Grant

We are pleased to announce that PWSA (USA) has approved the funding of an important grant: The Effect Of Growth Hormone Substitution On Sleep Disordered Breathing In Young Children With Prader-Willi Syndrome. The researchers have committed that the results will be in a report that could be helpful with physicians and private/ public insurance companies....

Please Participate in Research on PWS Caregiver Stress

I would like to invite you to participate in a research study on the ‘Relationship between caring for individuals diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and caregiver stress’. The results will provide vital information to caregivers, service providers, and policy makers on strategies and supports needed in the care of individuals with PWS. The survey will...

Exciting News on Carbetocin for PWS!

Sara Cotter, mom to a child with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), has formed a company dedicated to advancing treatments for PWS and related disorders. The company is called Levo Therapeutics ( Sara has years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, most recently as an analyst with UBS. She recently left her job to pursue the leadership...