Kasey Bedard, Ph.D., BCBA-D, IBA Shares Findings from Research Study Funded by PWSA | USA

PWSA | USA is excited to share the findings from a grant funding opportunity, awarded to and studied by Kasey Bedard, Ph.D., BCBA-D, IBA. This grant assisted Kasey with her work on PWS Smart-Start, a behavior-analytic caregiver training program. Kasey gives a brief overview of her results below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contributed by Kasey Bedard The purpose...

PWSA | USA’s 2021 Annual Report

Dear friends, On behalf of PWSA | USA's Board of Directors and Staff, we are sincerely grateful for YOU, our PWS community, for coming together in advocacy, family support, and research over the past year. We would not be able to offer the resources, care, and hope to our families and individuals living with PWS...