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Share Your PWS in Adulthood Story

Share Your “PWS in Adulthood” Story

We want to share your experiences caring for your adult loved one with PWS. Sharing your adult loved one’s story helps spread awareness of PWS to our community and beyond, and to the younger families who may benefit from having ideas of what adulthood in PWS can look like. It is also a way to celebrate the successes of your loved one and provide examples to other families on how to approach living as an adult. We want to know what the transition into adulthood looked like, how their living situation is managed, what supports they have in place, if they have successful romantic or platonic relationships, what it looks like to work or volunteer in the community, and anything else you’re willing to share about your adult loved one. 

Adults with PWS are invited to share their own story! We would love to amplify more voices of individuals living with PWS, so please share this opportunity with your loved one. They can offer a unique, authentic, and well-informed perspective to our community. 

Whether you are a caregiver, parent, or individual with PWS, we hope that you share your adulthood story with our community to spread knowledge and awareness of PWS in adulthood and celebrate the lives of those adults living with Prader-Willi syndrome. 

Share your story by filling out the form below.

Please note that not all questions are required. We invite you to share what you are inspired to share. 

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