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Survey Results on the Aging Adult with PWS

Contributed by Barb Dorn, RN, BSN

As I began my research looking at specific health issues in the aging adult with PWS, I soon learned that there was not much information on this topic. I did find a few articles that documented clinical evidence for early signs of aging. As far as dementia, I found one study that identified dementia in some individuals with PWS, along with an article that shared a case study of a woman with PWS who had dementia. However, the number of adults with PWS that have been studied is so low, so it is difficult to know if these studies have broader implications.

I developed a survey to help identify what health issues parents, guardians and residential caregivers were seeing in adults with PWS, ages 30 years and older. Since I was only interested in identifying the prevalence in health issues, I did not worry about overlap. A summary of the findings is noted below.

Parent and Caregiver Survey

Number of Surveys Completed – 89
Click through the tabs below to view the results.

Residential Care Provider Survey

Number of Surveys Completed – 9
Click through the tabs below to view the results.

Bases on the results of these surveys, I focused my information on several prevalent health issues including Dental Issues, Slow Gastrointestinal Functioning (choking, gastroparesis and constipation), Diabetes, Weight Gain/Obesity, Low Bone Density, Cardiac Issues (hypertension, elevated lipids and swelling), Mobility Issues and Worsening Menal Health/Low Energy/ Dementia. Feel free to view the webinars below.

More research on aging in adults with PWS is needed. This survey was a non-scientific attempt to identify some of the more prevalent health issues facing adults as they age.  

Watch: PWS Aging Research and Health Updates

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